Jammu Police Station Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Crime Branch (CB) has filed a case under Sections 420, 465, 467, 468, 471 and 120-B RPC r/w 5(1) (d) PC Act Svt. 2006.
Dr. Shashi Sudan Sharma, the in-charge principal of the Government Medical College in Jammu, was charged on July 4 with “tampering her age in documents to get undue advantage for getting admission in MBBS course at GMC Jammu.”
Jammu Police Station Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Crime Branch (CB) has filed a case under Sections 420, 465, 467, 468, 471 and 120-B RPC r/w 5(1) (d) PC Act Svt. 2006.
DySP Bhagwan Dass, probe Officer, CB Jammu, has been given the responsibility of conducting a thorough probe into the crime.
Written allegations by Manu Gupta that Dr. Shashi Sudan Sharma was “performing her government service on the basis of forged or fabricated Date of Birth” led to the opening of an official investigation.
“As per the guidelines of MCI, she was not eligible for MBBS course admission at the relevant time and in connivance with the then officers/officials of J&K BOSE committed the offence of forgery and used forged documents as genuine, thereby causing wrongful gain to herself and corresponding wrongful loss to the state exchequer,” the complainant stated.