Grand Mufti Nasir ul Islam announces that the moon of Zil Hajj has been seen, and Eid will take place on June 29
Grand Mufti Nasir ul Islam announces that the moon of Zil Hajj has been seen, and Eid will take place on June 29

As the Zil Hajj moon has been spotted, the Grand Mufti of Jammu and Kashmir, Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam, made the announcement on Monday that the Eid al-Adha holiday would be observed in J-K on June 29.

The Grand Mufti said that the Zil Hajj moon was seen on Monday evening, and as a result, Eid-ul-Adha would be celebrated on June 29. This news was announced by the Grand Mufti.


“Zil Hajj moon has been sighted today evening, so Eid-ul-Adha will be celebrated on June 29,” he added, adding that sufficient proof has been received concerning the moon sighting. “Zil Hajj moon has been sighted today evening,”

He said that the announcement of the decision regarding Eid al-Adha was made in accordance with the consensus of the Ulema.

He said that some people have the misconception that sacrificial animals are expensive, and as a result, they would present “Sadka,” which is in no way permissible in Islam since the requirement for the day is the only sacrifice of an animal. He added that this is a misconception that exists among certain people.



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