Bizarre! 33 lakh rupees are taken out of the Kulgam hospital account by a private security guard
Bizarre! 33 lakh rupees are taken out of the Kulgam hospital account by a private security guard

On Thursday, the Assistant Labour Commissioner (ALC) of Ganderbal handed the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Ganderbal, Shyambir with a check for Rs 1,02,67,500 to be used for the Educational, Death and Chronic Assistance programme for registered construction workers in the district.

The DC, who has acknowledged the significance of the labour force to the development of the district, has expressed his delight at the effective allocation of money, according to a statement published here.


He reaffirmed his commitment to fostering a welcoming and profitable atmosphere for all employees.

Shyambir thanked the ALC for his unrelenting work to promote good change in the employment market.

The DC at the time emphasised the need of quickly resolving issues under various aid programmes.



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