On Sunday, August 13, Kashmir Police Chief Vijay Kumar announced enhanced security measures, including drone monitoring and aerial recee, to ensure the safe and orderly celebration of Independence Day.
The Independence Day celebrations in Srinagar and the rest of Kashmir will go off without a hitch thanks to a three-tiered security system. Kumar, the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) in Kashmir, told reporters on the sidelines of a full-dress rehearsal function at the heavily fortified Baskshi Stadium that drone surveillance of the venue and aerial recee would be conducted using special equipment.
According to him, everything is set up and ready to go on I-Day. When told that the Independence Day event was being hosted in Bakshi Stadium after a lengthy hiatus, ADGP Kumar defended the move, saying that it was a better location than the SK Stadium. The parking and lodging facilities here are top-notch. He urged that a sizable crowd show up for the I-Day celebration.
Now that the ADGP traffic jam is cleared, the routes may resume normal operation as per the advise.