The 8th Muharram Alam-e-Sharief parade took place at Guru Bazar in Srinagar on Thursday, and the city’s mayor, Junaid Azim Mattu, participated in it.
The occasion is an important religious one that honours the tremendous sacrifices made by the Karbala martyrs, according to a statement from an official spokesperson published here.
Thousands of devoted people arrived to pay their sincere respects and remember the Karbala martyrs, he said, and the Mayor was among them.
According to the statement, Mattu upheld the sentiments of harmony, mercy, and respect for Srinagar’s rich cultural and religious legacy by walking alongside the participants throughout the march.
He remarked that his presence served as a signal of the municipal government’s dedication to promoting intercommunal cooperation and upholding the customs that unite the neighbourhood.
Speaking on the occasion, Mattu remarked, “The grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Imam Hussain (AS), provided us with a message that transcends time. His message emphasised unflinching bravery, perseverance, and the pursuit of justice and righteousness. He stood up to the repressive and tyrannical powers of the day, giving his life and the lives of those close to him to maintain the values of truth and honour.
“The message of Imam Hussain (AS) teaches us the value of fighting injustice, even in the face of insurmountable obstacles,” stated Mattu. No of the difficulties we may encounter, it serves as a reminder for us to put our moral duties first and to persist in pursuing justice, compassion, and equality. His message is a never-ending reminder of the strength of devotion, selflessness, and the unbreakable spirit that may uplift future generations.
The parade was conducted smoothly, the participants’ safety was ensured, and public order was maintained thanks to the efforts of the organisers, volunteers, staff, and security professionals, the Mayor said.