Nadia Farooq
A Compendium of Hadith Mufti Muzaffar Hussain Qasmi was his full name. A great figure in Islamic scholarship, Makhdoomi Hafidahullah is known for his profound understanding of both the Science of Hadith and the Science of Fiqh. As a result of his outstanding performance in promoting the Hanafi School of Thinking, many refer to him as the voice of Hanafiat. Every time he opens his mouth, pearls and gems of learning from Hadith and Fiqh are scattered across the room. The members of the audience had the impression that the Hanafi School is really in fairly good accord with the Hadith. There is no inconsistency, no disorder, and no conflict between the two scientific disciplines. One of the most notable aspects of his delivery is the fact that he puts himself in the position of the audience in order to simplify the concepts being discussed for them. The fact that the Deoband Scholarship also demonstrates a mastery of scholasticism and philosophy in addition to the traditional scientific disciplines is one of its distinguishing characteristics. There was a rumour that was circulating in the valley among certain individuals that the Hanafi School does not have any basis in Hadith; in reality, they did not know, for some reason, that the Fiqh is the result of both the Quran and Hadith. This was due to the fact that they did not know. Now that they have achieved consciousness, they are in agreement with it; nevertheless, they do not express it in an open and honest manner to their followers. The current situation of Darul-Ulams in the valley has not only provided the general populace with assistance in comprehending the position of fiqh, but it has also served as a signal to propagandists, warning them to refrain from defaming the Hanafi School in its many forms. One of these important personalities who has made significant contributions to this field is Mufti Muzaffar Qasmi. I pray that every Ulema has a long and healthy life.