IIT Aspirants Should Expect A Lighter JEE Mains Next Year, With An Updated Syllabus
IIT Aspirants Should Expect A Lighter JEE Mains Next Year, With An Updated Syllabus

According to officials, the Delhi police have so far apprehended two suspects in this case.

On July 4 in New Delhi, the Delhi Police made an arrest that broke up a group that was cheating on the NEET test by writing it in lieu of genuine applicants. Additionally, a student from AIIMS has been taken into custody. According to a top official of the Delhi Police, further detentions are to be anticipated. According to officials, the Delhi police have so far apprehended two suspects in this case.

A student at AIIMS was questioned about the crime to determine what part he played in it. Earlier, there was a suspicion that students from AIIMS were being coerced into taking the NEET test in other parts of the nation. Up to this point, the case of impersonation in the examination has been brought to light at three different locations.


According to a senior official with the Delhi Police, “more arrests are expected in this case.” A few days ago, Delhi Police were successful in apprehending one of the suspects. One of the suspects has recently been apprehended. The Delhi Police have so far succeeded in apprehending two suspects in connection with this case.



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