Isha Sharma, who will play the title role in the upcoming drama “Pashminna-Dhaage Mohobbat Ke,” remarked that filming the show in the breathtaking Kashmir Valley was like a dream come true and that the entire experience felt completely new and energising.
The programme is an enthralling love tale that is set and photographed in Kashmir’s mystical valley. Isha assumes the role of Pashminna, a lively and enthusiastic young woman who believes in the concept of love and aspires to have her own special love story in this intriguing tale. Pashminna, a Kashmiri native, supports her mother Preeti (Gauri Pradhan) as she manages a houseboat operation for tourists passing through Kashmir. Pashminna is bubbly, upbeat, and has a lovely smile. Isha openly discussed Pashminna’s persona while providing details about the character’s special traits and the audience’s enthralling voyage.
Isha stated the following about filming in the stunning Kashmir Valley: “Pashminna, being my first step into television, shooting in such a spectacular place seems like a dream come true. It provides me with an additional incentive to do my scenes as well as I can.” The breathtaking setting of Kashmir heightens the reality of our storyline and fits the spirit of our programme wonderfully. The scenic backdrop considerably aids in reaching our objective of providing viewers with a genuine and immersive experience, the spokesperson stated.
The actress said, “This is my first show, and every facet of the experience seems wholly new and thrilling. I have to give the creators credit since it must have been a difficult process to combine different elements of the tale, keep the plot consistent, and find such a great screenplay. It sometimes seems as if I’m dreaming. Isha said, “I’m embracing every second of this voyage that’s testing my boundaries and letting me go to unexplored territory.
Isha was asked whether she saw any parallels between her identity, Pashmina, and herself. She said, “This character echoes so much of my own nature. I’m a fun-loving dreamer, much like Pashminna. I take pleasure in being courteous and collected, just like she does, however. We also have a belief in Lord Shiva, which is another thing Pashminna and I have in common.
I’m working really hard to make my character in “Pashminna” come to life and to make the audience happy and satisfied with my performance, she said. With her role, the actress said she connected right away. She said, “I’m a desi girl at heart who is tough in the face of hardship, just like her. My principles are centred on my family, and I like nothing more than helping and taking care of them, said Isha.
Among the show’s skilled ensemble cast are Isha Sharma, Nishant Malkani, Hiten, and Gauri Tejwani. As of October 25, it will be shown on Sony SAB.
A minor child was killed in the fire, and the Karnah home was destroyed.