Overcoming Difficulties, Insha Mushtaq Scores High on Final High School Assessment
Overcoming Difficulties, Insha Mushtaq Scores High on Final High School Assessment

Despite being blinded by pellets, her determination and unyielding support led to remarkable achievements.
Shopian June 09: An incredible feat of will and perseverance, Insha Mushtaq passed her high school senior year with flying colours on June 9.
Insha’s eyesight is the result of pellets, but her determination and the assistance of the JKCPJ Foundation and Raghu Raman have helped her achieve scholastic success she never thought possible.

According to the media, Insha Mushtaq, a native of Sedaw Shopian, has inspired innumerable people all over the globe. She was blinded by pellet wounds at a time of upheaval, but she never allowed that to stop her from continuing her study. Insha’s victory exemplifies the might of the human spirit since it was achieved by pure willpower and perseverance.


The JKCPJ Foundation, well known for its dedication to enhancing the lives of people with impairments, was instrumental in Insha’s development. She was able to overcome the obstacles she faced in school because of their consistent assistance, which included specialised educational tools and mentoring. Insha’s success is a direct result of the foundation’s efforts to broaden participation and level the playing field.

Raghu Raman, a well-known philanthropist and proponent of equal access to education, provided Insha Mushtaq with incalculable assistance throughout her academic career. Raman helped her financially and set her up with technology tools since he saw her potential and knew she could use them to her advantage in school. His diligent work has not only improved Insha’s life but also brought attention to the critical need to provide equal access to education for all students.



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