PC criticises the
PC criticises the "denial of democracy to J&K"

7 June, Srinagar: The Peoples Conference (PC) expressed their disappointment at the “denial of democracy to Jammu and Kashmir.”

Sajad Gani Lone, president of the JKPC, called a party gathering for today. The party’s senior leadership attended the conference, when they voiced their dismay at the current status of democracy in Jammu and Kashmir.


We are very saddened by the persistent rejection of democracy and sovereignty in J&K. It is disappointing that hardly a single person in our country of 1.4 billion is clearly upset by the denial of democracy and sovereignty to J&K. Remember that this is the first state to be demoted to Union Territory status since 1947. The party published a statement lamenting the decline of J&K, which was once the political crown of India’s mainland.

The PC leadership also rejected the idea that Jammu and Kashmir is behind other states in terms of development, insisting that doing so is an absolute need. “Even if we assume—however erroneously—that there was a developmental deficit in J&K, does that indicate that all other states are roaring forward, leading the world league in development while J&K lags behind? In any case, they reasoned, the same IAS and IPS officials who rule the rest of the nation also serve in the state government.

The statement continued by saying that the people of J&K are marginalised since no political party is prepared to advocate for them. We strongly urge all political parties to refrain from sending members of the Parliament Standing Committees tasked with monitoring progress in Union Territories to Jammu and Kashmir. By taking part, they are tacitly supporting the decision to reduce Jammu and Kashmir to the status of a Union Territory. They should categorically refuse to participate in such gatherings if they are serious about supporting democracy and the right of the people of J&K to elect their own government,” the statement said.

The PC leadership also reaffirmed the party’s steadfast commitment to protecting the rights, freedoms, and democratic institutions of the people of J&K.

To paraphrase our call for help, “We implore all concerned stakeholders, both within the state and across the nation, to reflect upon the gravity of the situation and unite in our quest to restore democracy and statehood to Jammu and Kashmir.”



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