Srinagar is the starting point for the spiritual journey of the first group of Hajj pilgrims
Srinagar is the starting point for the spiritual journey of the first group of Hajj pilgrims

Srinagar, June 7, 2023: As the first group of Hajj pilgrims set out on their pious trek to the Islamic holy towns of Mecca and Medina today, the capital city of Kashmir, Srinagar, played host to a spectacle that was both joyous and moving as they passed through.

This momentous occasion, which took place as hundreds of devout Muslims from the area boarded flights at Srinagar International Airport, marked the beginning of a spiritual voyage for those individuals.


As the pilgrims said their last goodbyes to their friends and family, the atmosphere was charged with a feeling of expectation and excitement despite the spirited environment that was filled with fervour and prayers. At the Hajj home in the Bemina neighbourhood of Srinagar, families, friends, and well-wishers came to offer their blessings and wave farewell to the pilgrims, who had anxiously anticipated this chance for their whole lives.

Greater Kashmir is represented by Mubashir Khan.
Pilgrimage to Mecca, also known as the Hajj, is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is required of all practising Muslims at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able to do so. The trip incorporates a number of key religious rites that are meant to follow the steps of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The personnel at the airport were completely ready, and they offered aid and direction to the pilgrims while also ensuring that their travel papers were processed as quickly as possible.

The first group of pilgrims, which included 630 people from different sections of the Kashmir region, boarded the specially planned planes to go to Saudi Arabia. As they put on the basic white clothing that are known as Ihram and prepared for the trip, there was a distinct sense of respect mixed in with the excitement that they were feeling.

During the trip, participants will pray for peace in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in the rest of the globe, according to one participant.



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