Two drug peddlers arrested in north Kashmir include a government employee
Two drug peddlers arrested in north Kashmir include a government employee

A junior assistant in Education Department alongside another person were on Wednesday apprehended by a police team, in Sogam area of north Kashmir’s Kupwara, over accusation of possession of narcotics.

“During a regular naka check by a team of Police Station Sogam led by SHO Sogam DySP (Prob) Khadim Hussain at Wavoora crossing, a vehicle of the type i10 Grand, bearing V.R. No JK01X 6548 was intercepted. Two individuals, who were in a state of drug-consumption and puffing cigarettes, were found in the vehicle”, reads a statement.


“Upon questioning, they were identified as Mir Bazil, a Junior Assistant in the Education department, son of Manzoor Ahmad Mir resident of Khurhama, Lolab and Ishaq Khan @ D-Khan son of Mohd Abdullah Khan, resident of Maidanpora, Lolab.”

“A search of the vehicle was carried out, and during the process, approximately 109 grams of heroin-like substance, wrapped in a piece of white polythene bag, and some quantity of charas-like substance, wrapped in a piece of blue polythene bag, was recovered from a hole adjacent to the mud-guard of the rear tyre on the left side of the vehicle”, maintains the statement.

“An FIR No. 28/2023 U/S 8 r/w 20,21,29 NDPS Act has been registered in Police Station Sogam and the investigation is currently underway.”

“The interception of the vehicle and the arrest of the two individuals is a significant blow to the drug-peddling network in Lolab area, as the said two individuals were becoming a threat to the lives of the young people of the area”, reads the statement further. (GNS)



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