Two officers' salaries were withheld at Sopore due to their absence from work
Two officers' salaries were withheld at Sopore due to their absence from work

Ten Patwaries have had their pay docked because they were late to work or took time off without permission.

On Monday, July 3, special teams from the District Administration Srinagar checked the attendance of employees at a number of Srinagar’s Patwar Khanas at the direction of District Magistrate (DM) Mohammad Aijaz Asad. This was done to ensure the timely delivery of Revenue services by government agencies.

Of the 76 Patwar Khanas active in the Srinagar District, as many as 50 were inspected by surprise by teams led by the Assistant Commissioner of Revenue, the SDM of East and West, and the Assistant Commissioner of Nazool.


The examination revealed that 10 (ten) Patwaries were either away from work without authorization or were late to the office.

The DM of Srinagar, who also serves as the DC, has ordered the salaries of all 10 workers to be withheld due to their excessive absences and tardy returns to work. Each missing worker was given a chance to explain themselves and provide evidence that would prevent disciplinary action being taken against them.

Meanwhile, DC Srinagar reaffirmed that such inspections would continue and that disobedience of duty, such as unapproved absence or tardiness to the office, would not be accepted under any circumstances.

To ensure that the public was not inconvenienced, he also requested that staff members carefully adhere to the Office’s operating hours.



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