China doesn't even own a single inch of land:  LG Ladakh
China doesn't even own a single inch of land:  LG Ladakh

Jammu, September 11: Brigadier (Dr.) B D Mishra, the lieutenant governor of Ladakh, said on Monday that the Indian military forces were ready for any situation and that India controlled its territory (in Ladakh) “to the last inch.”

On the sidelines of the North Tech Symposium 2023 at the IIT Jammu campus, he was replying to media questions.


Questions surrounded Congressman Rahul Gandhi’s claim that China was occupying a significant portion of Indian territory in Ladakh.

The reality is that there is not even a single square inch of land that the Chinese have seized, LG Ladakh said while declining to respond to Rahul’s statement. Whatever occurred in 1962 is irrelevant since we now control every inch of our territory. For every scenario, our soldiers are prepared.

He said that while no one would dare to enter the Indian side to seize it, the troops were prepared to give anybody who did “a bloody nose” (in the event of an accident).

He gave the “great leadership of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi” credit for the high level of morale among the military. There had been a noticeable difference, according to Brigadier (retired) Mishra. In response to a question on indigenous technology and weapons, he noted that nothing was indigenous in 1961, when he was commissioned into the army.



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