DM Jammu promises to crack down on unlawful mining
DM Jammu promises to crack down on unlawful mining

Jammu, 9 September: District Magistrate Sachin Kumar Vaishya today called a meeting with district mining lessees, contractors and owners of stone crushers and declared the district administration’s steadfast opposition to the extraction, processing and transportation of minor minerals illegally.

The district government, according to the district magistrate, would not put up with any kind of illegal mining activity. He emphasised the relevance of Jammu district having a proportionally bigger duty in protecting the area’s natural resources since it has the most mining blocks.


The DM informed the group of the terrible effects that excessive mining would have on the nearby communities and embankment regions. He stressed how crucial it is to follow scientific and environmental regulations while carrying out mining operations in the area.

The District Magistrate assured the audience that the district is committed to making mining activities that follow the established laws as easy as possible. He pledged his entire support for ensuring ethical mineral exploitation while preserving the environment. The District Magistrate issued a harsh warning to individuals participating directly or indirectly in illegal mining operations, including the operation of unlicensed stone crushers, informing them that severe measures would be taken against any violations of mining rules and regulations.

The participants were also urged to provide suggestions and air concerns. After the meeting, several of them stated their desire to work with the district administration to make sure that mining operations are carried out in a legal and responsible way.

Others who attended the meeting were District Mining Officer Gulshan Kumar and Additional District Magistrate Harvinder Singh.



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