Contractual employment is not entitled to continuation: High Court
Contractual employment is not entitled to continuation: High Court

Upon quashing two people’s imprisonment under the Public Safety Act (PSA), the High Court of J&K and Ladakh in Srinagar on Saturday ordered their immediate release.

Mohammad Hanief Guroo of Rabitar, Gundi Roshan Ganderbal, was the subject of a detention order that was invalidated while the habeas corpus petition was granted by a Justice Sindhu Sharma bench. The District Magistrate of Srinagar’s decision detaining Guroo was dated May 10, 2023.


In case he wasn’t needed in any further cases, the court ordered the authorities to release the detainee from preventive detention immediately.

Adil Afzal Lone’s detention order from the District Magistrate of Srinagar was annulled by the bench of Rajnesh Oswal after the court granted his plea.

The court ruled to invalidate Lone’s detention order on the grounds that, in addition to other reasons, the respondents (authorities) had disregarded the law and the constitution. As a result, the court concluded that this reason alone did not support the detention order.

In case he wasn’t needed in any other cases, the court ordered the authorities to release the detainee from detention right away.



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