Four people are charged by Crime Branch Jammu in a case involving a phoney job scam
Four people are charged by Crime Branch Jammu in a case involving a phoney job scam

According to the lawsuit, several officers in the J&K Police Department were promoted or appointed based on fraudulent appointment orders.

14 July, Srinagar: The Crime Branch in Kashmir has formally charged 19 people with making phoney police department positions using falsified documents.

The Economic Offences Wing, Srinagar (Crime Branch Kashmir) released a statement saying that it has filed a charge-report for case FIR No. 48 of 2015 with the Court of Passenger Tax, Srinagar, naming 19 people as suspects in crimes under sections 420, 468, 120-B, and 201 of the Indian Penal Code.


Several people were allegedly assigned to positions in the J&K Police (Srinagar District) using fraudulent appointment orders, according to a complaint received by the Crime Branch in Kashmir. Accordingly, the case was “registered in P/S Crime Branch Kashmir (now, Economic Offences Wing, Srinagar), and investigation commenced in 2015,” the document said.

The inquiry revealed that the appointment orders were issued after falsifying documents and other evidence of misconduct. All of the above is evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the side of the accused (infractions punishable under sections 420, 468, 120-B, and 201 of the Indian Penal Code).

Accordingly, the case was ended with “proved” findings against the 19 accused, and the charge-report was sent to the Hon’ble Court for adjudication.



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