Kulgam is experiencing significant rainfall, which has prompted the police to evacuate a large number of households.
Nadia Farooq
Lend a helping hand, and relocate those who have been impacted to more secure areas.

Srinagar, July 08: After the severe rains, the police in the southern district of Kulgam offered a helping hand to those in need and rescued around one hundred family members and moved them to safer areas.

“Police Post Mirbazar received distress calls for assistance from the people of Zadoora, Bumthan, and Peerfurrah residing on the banks of Vaishow and Sandran Nallahs and stated that a large number of families residing in temporary tents need to be evacuated immediately as their tents were completely damaged because of the heavy rainfall and the families living on the banks of Vaishow and Sandran Nallahs were trapped due to flash floods,” said an official spokesman. “


As a result, a police team that was commanded by IC PP Mirbazar and included civil administration and UTDRF members was formed to rescue the families. This team worked closely under the supervision of SSP Kulgam. Every member of the family was successfully rescued and sent to a location where they are now in less danger as a result of the concerted efforts of the combined teams.
In a separate instance, inhabitants of Shod Gali Qazigund placed a distress call, claiming that water had made its way into their homes because the water flow in a nearby stream had been obstructed by debris. This caused the water to back up into the homes.

“Acting promptly, a Police team of Police Station Qazigund led by SHO PS Qazigund along with civil administration was constituted, who reached the spot where water with full flow was entering into the residential houses and there were apprehensions of major damage to property and lives of the said village,” the report states. “There were apprehensions of major damage to property and lives in the said village.”
After a lot of hard work and using all possible methods, the water was redirected into the main stream. This not only prevented flood water from invading the hamlet, but it also protected the residents’ homes and their lives.
The general public, particularly the families that were saved, expressed their gratitude to the police and the civil administration for their swift reaction and aid at this perilous juncture.



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