A man was caught in Rajouri, India, carrying drugs and money
A man was caught in Rajouri, India, carrying drugs and money

Srinagar, May 26: In an ongoing endeavour to rid society of the dangers posed by narcotics, police have detained eight drug peddlers in Shopian and Baramulla and seized the illicit goods they were carrying.

Two suspicious individuals were stopped by a police team headed by the Incharge of Police Post Keegam at a checkpoint located at Peerpora Keegam in Shopian. They were found to have 184 grammes of a charas-like material wrapped in maize leaves during a search. Akir Ayoub Hakim and Bilal Ahmad Dar, both of Arihal Pulwama, have been named as the suspects.


SHO PS Zainapora and SDPO Zainapora Riaz Ahmad were in charge of a police team that stopped a car with the number plate number JK13G-7741 and two people inside at a checkpoint located in Reban Shopian. However, both individuals got out of the car and ran away after seeing the naka party. The car was confiscated after a search turned up 3.5 kilogrammes of a material that looked like poppy straw.

A police team led by DySP Hqrs Baramulla Sajjad Bukhari and aided by Incharge PP Delina apprehended a wanted drug smuggler from Nadihal Baramulla, Shabir Ahmad Lone, during regular patrolling near Juhama Baramulla. The search of his belongings turned up 72 grammes of a charas-like material.

Shahid Ahmad Marazi, a native of Kanlibagh Baramulla, and Adil Ahmad Gogri, a native of Khanpora Baramulla, were apprehended by a police party led by DySP Hqrs Baramulla Sajjad Bukhari and assisted by SHO PS Baramulla at a checkpoint set up in Khanpora. Brown Sugar-like material weighing 12 grammes was found in their possession during the search.



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