Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India
Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India

Srinagar, June 13 : Dr. Farooq Abdullah, president of the National Conference and a lawmaker representing Srinagar in Parliament, has warned that the misuse of smart phones and drug addiction and substance abuse pose a serious danger to today’s youth. A news release states that he made the remarks to a crowd in Magam. On a visit of sympathy to Magam, he shared the sentiments of party head Mohammad Ibrahim upon hearing of his brother’s death.
Dr. Farooq voiced his alarm at the rapidly increasing number of young people struggling with drug addiction when he remarked, “Drug abuse in J&K is becoming a rampant phenomenon.” We should all be concerned about this. Thinking about how to prevent similar tragedies is the first step. It should go without saying that the problem is a direct result of the high rates of unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir. The government has to shift its rhetoric and treat drug addiction like a medical problem, not a criminal one.
Kashmir has been experiencing a new scourge for some time: drug abuse. The people of Kashmir are quite worried about this. Data from a variety of government sources casts doubt on the efficacy of current policies designed to stem the tide of drug usage. The surveys conducted by several organisations highlight how serious the situation really is. He remarked, “This war on drug abuse cannot be won by simply working to rein in the narcotics mafia; rather, it can only be won by the government making a massive outreach to our youth.”



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