J&K's democracy is being undermined by an excessively long wait in conducting assembly elections, says Sagar
J&K's democracy is being undermined by an excessively long wait in conducting assembly elections, says Sagar

Former Mayor and in-charge constituency Hazratbal Salman Ali Sagar visited the fire victims at Hazratbal.

Joined in by the local party unit functionaries, Sagar expressed his sympathy to affected families and prayed for their early recovery to normal life.


He assured the victim families and traders that he will raise the issue of their early rehabilitation and recovery with all concerned government agencies.

While interacting with the fire victims, he said that he is alive to the predicaments suffered by them and that all possible efforts will be made by him towards ensuring their early rehabilitation.

Sagar also sought probe into the circumstances leading to the mishap. He also appealed for community based help for rehabilitation of the fire victims.



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