SIA and Police Seize 124 Properties in J&K in Terror Funding Case
SIA and Police Seize 124 Properties in J&K in Terror Funding Case

Saturday, June 7th, Srinagar: Officials from the State Investigation Agency (SIA) and the executive wing of the Jammu and Kashmir Police have issued a statement saying that they have expanded the legal framework against terror funding by seizing 124 properties, land, and buildings spread across the state of J&K in 86 different locations.

They claimed that these assets had been proved prima facia as profits of terrorism or employed in acts furthering terrorism and secessionism during investigations into instances involving these crimes.


According to the statement, the SIA and the executive branch of the police have initiated legal proceedings for the forfeiture of the tainted properties in courts with relevant legal and territorial jurisdiction by invoking the provisions of sections 8 and 25 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), following orders from competent authorities designated under UAPA.

The SIA is looking into Case FIR 17/2019 U/S 10, 11, and 13 UA (P) Act of Police Station Batamalo, which involves about 77 properties belonging to the banned group Jamat-e-Islami and notified under Section 08 of UAPA.

This step, they claimed, “demonstrates strong resolve against terrorism by deracinating the terror support system in accordance with the requirements of international charters and conventions against terrorism.”



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