Study: Climate change may warm Delhi, Kolkata 2-4 degrees
Study: Climate change may warm Delhi, Kolkata 2-4 degrees

Water level at Ram Munshibagh rises to 2.15 feet from 2.15 feet at Sangam: I&FC

The water level in Jhelum has dropped to a 70-year low in the month of September due to the valley’s ongoing dry weather.


Long-term dry conditions in the valley have made it more difficult for farmers to irrigate their fields and solve their water shortage issues.

While the middle and northern portions of the valley are still experiencing dry weather, the southern portions of the valley had rainfall on Friday and Saturday.

According to information provided by the Department of Irrigation and Flood Control, the water level in Sangam has decreased to 0.09 feet.

In September of the previous 70 years, they said, the water level in the body of water had never been so low.

According to the authorities, Sangam serves as a criterion for determining the water level of the primary canal in Kashmir, the River Jhelum.

Ram Munshi Bagh’s water level has reportedly plummeted to 2.15 feet, according to official documents.

1.6 feet of water are submerged in Asham right now. At each of these locations, according to officials, the water level is also the lowest recently.

According to officials, 2019 and 2021 saw 0 feet of water at the lowest recorded water level in Jhelum during the month of September.

According to them, the water body has almost dried up since the region has not gotten enough rain during the last two months.

We had a lot of rain in July, and a flood warning was issued at the time. Since three months ago, the valley has had a dry period. Officials said that numerous locations of the major water body, Jhelum, had practically dried up.

One of the driest Septembers on record, according to chief engineer of the irrigation and flood control department Naresh Kumar, was in the valley this year.

Historically, September has never been this dry. Long periods without rain in the valley have had a significant impact on Jhelum, he added.

Also claiming to have seen this phenomena for the first time, the locals who live on houseboats and along banks.

“The water level in Jhelum dips throughout the fall and winter, but this is likely the lowest level we have seen thus far. According to Rajbagh resident Mohammad Monis, the river’s surface is now visible.

Relevantly, the forecaster said that Jammu and Kashmir will see hot, dry weather over the next week.



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