Srinagar police said on Saturday, June 24 that three people were arrested for their ties to terrorism and charged under the Public Safety Act.
The police said in a pamphlet that three terrorist associates were detained under PSA for providing material assistance to terrorists. According to a police spokeswoman, the three men are Umer Ahmad Ganaie, son of Gh Mohd Ganaie, a resident of Setthergund Kakapora; Aftab Hussain Dar, son of Ab. Gani Dar, a resident of Avangund Rajpora; and Hilal Ahmad Khan, son of Mohd Anwar Khan, a resident of Hakhripora.
They are known operational ground zeros (OGWs) and facilitators for the terrorist groups LeT, TRF, and JeM. Furthermore, they were engaged in anti-national acts that endanger regional security, including supplying transportation for terrorists. The message promises that anybody engaging in terrorist activities will face severe consequences.