The RCs of two more vehicles have been cancelled in the Srinagar harassment case
The RCs of two more vehicles have been cancelled in the Srinagar harassment case

Srinagar: The transport authorities in Kashmir ordered the suspension and cancellation of two more Registration Certificates (RCs) on Wednesday for “involved vehicles” in response to a case involving alleged harassment.

The case pertains to allegations made by a family from the Srinagar outskirts that a group of boys riding two-wheelers harassed them.


By exercising powers under Section 54 of the MVA, 1988, the office of the Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Kashmir issued two separate orders calling for the suspension of the registration certificate of vehicle number JK01AS-1158 with immediate effect and the cancellation of the RC of vehicle number JK01AR-1634 for one year.

Meanwhile, the RTO Kashmir exercised powers under Section 180 of MVA, 1988, and imposed a penalty of Rs 5,000 upon Mehraj Din Ganaie, the present owner and possessor of the vehicle used in the “offence,” for allowing his vehicle to be driven by a person who did not possess a valid driving license.

The order stated that “Hial Mehraj is complicit in the offence and has acted irresponsibly, not only allowing his vehicle No: JK01AS-1158 to be used in contravention of the provisions of this MVA, 1988, but also allowing his son Mr Hazik Mehraj, a juvenile to drive his vehicle.”

Last month, a video went viral on social media in which a family traveling in a car was seen seeking help while a group of youths on scooters chased and allegedly attacked them in the Parimpora area of Srinagar. Following the incident, Srinagar Police arrested the group of youths. (KNO)



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