The Shia holy site of Jannat ul Baqi in Medina is open to pilgrims from Saudi Arabia
The Shia holy site of Jannat ul Baqi in Medina is open to pilgrims from Saudi Arabia

Some of Saudi Arabia’s prohibitions on Shia Muslims making the pilgrimage to Medina’s Baqi graveyard have been loosened.

On Sunday, the Fars news agency in Iran reported that the limits for this year’s hajj pilgrimage, which takes place from June 23 to July 1, had been relaxed.


The sacred site of Baqi cemetery, also known as Jannat ul Baqi, where certain Shia Imams and members of the household of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) are buried, was reportedly open to male pilgrims, many of whom were from Iran.

Religious prayers and eulogies unique to the trip were permitted for the first time.

From beyond the cemetery’s boundaries, women are free to pay their respects at Baqi.

A Muslim who is physically and financially competent must make the Haj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime.



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