On World Blood Donation Day, the Al-Iman group helps people in Kashmir who are in trouble
On World Blood Donation Day, the Al-Iman group helps people in Kashmir who are in trouble

Srinagar, June 14: A group of young people in Kashmir has started a project to find blood for people who need it. So far, they have found hundreds of litres of blood.

A group of young people led by Chairman Farooq Ahmad Malik and vice Chairman Peer Shamsudin started the Al-Iman Youth Foundation nine months ago to help people who need blood.


One of the group’s leaders, Umar Haasan, who is from Reban Sopore, told the Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that they started this project nine months ago to help people who need blood get it for free.

“Nearly every day, people in need call us from all over Kashmir to ask if we can help them get blood,” he said. “When we get a call that a hospital needs blood, we call the hospital to find out what blood groups are needed and how much blood is needed. After that, we contact people in the same blood group and send them to the hospital to donate blood.”

Umar has given 10 pints of blood and platelets several times. He said that sometimes the giver doesn’t have a way to get to the hospital, so we have to find a way for him to get there so he can give blood on time.

He said that giving blood gives us happiness and peace of mind because all religions teach us to be kind, and kindness is more important than anything else.

“Nearly every day, we get calls asking for blood, and so far, we’ve been able to get blood in minutes because people from all over Kashmir are part of our group,” he said.

Another member of the group said the same thing and said that they have been giving free blood and platelets to people who need them just for Allah’s sake.

Regular blood giving is linked to lower blood pressure and a lower chance of heart attacks. It also helps to lower risk factors for heart disease.



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