27 terrorists slain in 10 Kupwara infiltration attempts: GOC 28 Div
27 terrorists slain in Kupwara over eight months of infiltration attempts: Army

Kupwara, Oct. 27: Eight infiltration attempts were conducted along the Line of Control in the last eight months, authorities announced here on Friday. As a consequence, 27 terrorists were killed, and weapons and drugs were recovered.

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Following the successful foiling of a significant infiltration attempt in Machil Sector on Thursday, GoC 28 Infantry Division Girish Kalia made these statements at a news conference.


According to news outlet Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the GoC said that thanks to the combined unwavering efforts of security personnel, the situation has significantly improved, opening the door for growth and tourism.

According to him, there is an ongoing effort on the opposite side of the border to undermine the calm in Jammu and Kashmir. “Attempts at infiltration from over the border are ongoing. Security officers have thwarted every effort of this kind.”

According to him, 27 terrorists were eliminated in Kupwara as a result of ten efforts conducted over the previous eight months.

Significant amounts of war material, including weapons and drugs, were also found among the dead terrorists. Everybody is set on upsetting the tranquilly in the valley.”

The GoC said that the Machil operation is an homage to the troops who have consistently fought for the region’s peace and development.

The intelligence grid is always prepared, according to Yougal Manhas, senior superintendent of police (SSP) Kupwara. “We learned about the infiltration effort from reliable sources. The responsible unit received information about it on a certain day.”

The involved Army unit’s commanding officer, Rajat Birman, said that a combined operation was started after Kupwara police provided precise information on a possible infiltration attempt.

He said that the terrain in the operating region is quite difficult. The LoC barrier was in front of ambush parties. Five terrorists were apprehended once their movements were discovered. Two terrorists were killed when the fire started right away. After a full day of operations, a precise location was found, which allowed the final three terrorists to be killed.”

He claimed that there was no causality on their side at the conclusion of the operation. The KNO



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