Rawalpora Srinagar and nearby inhabitants suffer from unscheduled power outages
Rawalpora Srinagar and nearby inhabitants suffer from unscheduled power outages

In the city of Srinagar, the situation in Kashmir’s electricity crisis has become more dire as the winter season draws near.

Even though the Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) has published a power curtailment schedule, the Valley is still struggling with unannounced and protracted power outages, which have a substantial effect on the lives of its citizens as well as the operations of its enterprises.


Even before the beginning of winter, Kashmir is witnessing prolonged power interruptions, which are having devastating repercussions not just for people but also for business enterprises. This year’s electricity crisis has taken a turn for the worst, which is why it is happening earlier than usual.

According to the industrialists, the decline in industrial production was more than fifty percent, which made the difficulties that the region’s enterprises were already experiencing as a result of the annoying power interruptions much more severe.

In addition, patients, notably those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who depend on oxygen support devices, are struggling with serious issues as a result of the frequent power outages.

Authorities with KPDCL have identified a key factor contributing to the current situation as the disparity between the amount of power currently available and the rapidly rising demand.

As a result of the scenario, people and business owners are angry and upset, and they raise the finger of blame at the government for failing to modernise the electrical infrastructure.

“This is the most severe power outage that I have seen in the last twenty years. Even though it’s October, we still have to deal with unannounced power outages. According to Abdul Ahad, a resident of Srinagar, “It is ironic that the government is providing us with figures about losses and placing blame on the people, but it is avoiding taking responsibility on itself for having failed to upgrade the power infrastructure.”

The commercial sector is also bearing the brunt of this problem since, due to a lack of energy, contemporary technology is rendered inoperable.

According to Aijaz Shahdhar, who is the president of the Kashmir Trade Alliance, “the losses incurred by businesses continue to mount, and industries are struggling to pay their employees’ wages.”

As he voiced his worry, he said, “We feel like we are living in the Stone Age because all of our modern equipment is rendered dysfunctional without electricity.” Additionally, business losses are mounting up, and businesses are being forced to deal with idle labour.

The situation is even more dire in rural regions, where inhabitants are suffering through power outages that extend for more than ten hours at a time.

Even though the KPDCL has released a curtailment plan for Srinagar, according to many residents of the city, even this schedule is not being adhered to. The timetable calls for 4.5 hours of power cuts in metered areas and 8 hours of power cuts in non-metered regions.

According to a senior official of the Power Development Department (PDD), there is a daily deficit of more than 1,000 megawatts (MW) in Jammu and Kashmir. As a result, the PDD is forced to execute protracted power cuts, particularly in Kashmir.

They are angry because frequent power outages have coincided with the installation of smart metres. As a result, they are pointing the finger of blame at the government for failing to keep its commitment to provide a continuous power supply. This situation is making residents’ lives more difficult.

It is conceivable that the power issue may become much more severe as winter draws closer if the government does not make arrangements for extra power supplies.

The dependence of Jammu and Kashmir on power from outside sources has also come under scrutiny. According to official data, Jammu and Kashmir has spent an astounding Rs 63,000 crore on power purchases from outside power distribution companies (discoms) over the course of the last 11 years, despite the substantial hydropower potential of the region.

Residents and business owners in Kashmir are anxiously awaiting a long-term solution to the worsening power crisis, in the hopes that it will ease the continued difficulties they are experiencing and provide a steady supply of electricity over the next few winter months.



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