Biden and Trump try to win over union supporters by meeting with striking auto workers
Biden and Trump try to win over union supporters by meeting with striking auto workers

Washington, September 27: President Joe Biden visited a picket line outside a General Motors parts distribution centre in the state of Michigan as negotiations between the United Auto Workers (UAW) and the ‘Big Three’ automakers continued, and President Donald Trump announced a visit to the state on Wednesday to show his support for the striking workers.

You have given up a great deal. When the businesses were in turmoil, you sacrificed a lot. They’ve made tremendous progress recently… On the 12th day of the union’s strike, Biden told the striking employees, “You should be doing incredibly well, too.” The workers applauded.


A substantial pay increase and other perks are due to you… “It’s time for them to step up for us,” the President was reported as saying by the Xinhau news agency. “Wall Street didn’t build the country,” Vice President Joe Biden stated. We can thank the middle class and unions for the success of our nation. Sadly, that’s the truth. Continue on, then.

The White House said on Tuesday that President Trump will be the first sitting president to attend a labour union’s picket line in at least a century, per an invitation from UAW President Shawn Fain, as reported by The Detroit News.

According to a CNN article from Tuesday, “the White House has been toeing a careful line during the strike,” expressing sympathy for the employees and a salary hike but failing to officially back the union requests.

On the picket line, Fain was seen with Biden. He praised Vice President Biden for attending and said that the President “will do right by the working class.”

On Wednesday, Trump will speak to an auto supplier in Macomb County, Michigan, to demonstrate his support for the autoworkers there.

EPIC•MRA, a polling firm based in Michigan, reports that Trump’s popularity among union members has grown while Biden’s has declined over the last several months.

Bernie Porn, the president of EPIC•MRA, said in August that Trump had a lead of 46% to 39% among union members, after Biden had led by 51% to 42% in June.



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