CS begins the second part of Meri Maati Mera Desh's preparations
CS begins the second part of Meri Maati Mera Desh's preparations

Divisional and District Administration is to be commended for the UT’s outstanding achievement throughout the first phase.

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 07: Following the successful conclusion of the first phase of “Meri Maati Mera Desh,” the Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta, reviewed the preparations for the impending second phase of the project, which will start on September 1 and continue through October 30.


Along with the Secretary, Tourism & Culture, other relevant offices were the Commissioner Secretaries of RDD, Industries & Commerce, and Transport.

The Chief Secretary began by praising the Divisional and District administration for their remarkable success in terms of producing a record number of Shilaphalakams in addition to ranking well in other areas of this initiative.

According to Dr. Mehta, despite having a smaller population than other States and UTs, the UT was among the best performers in the nation during the first phase of the national programme due to the strong showing of national unity and patriotism across the whole UT.

The Chief Secretary urged everyone involved to collaborate with one another with a comparable level of excitement for this program’s second phase. In order to achieve the targeted outcomes on par with the first phase, he requested them to collaborate in the spirit of the whole-of-government approach.

He ordered them to establish advance plans for all the activities that will take place during this period. Along with other responsible members of the community, he requested that youth groups, SHGs, PRI, and ULB members be involved in the program’s effective execution.

He gave the Culture Department the go-ahead to coordinate with the J&K Resident Commissioner in Delhi to make the required preparations for the young volunteers who would go to Delhi to take part in the national-level festivities.

He also instructed them to make particular preparations for the holding of UT-level programmes in Jammu and Srinagar. He made it clear to the Deputy Commissioners that they must keep an eye on both the Panchayat and Municipality level events to ensure that they are carried out in the festive spirit and appropriate way.

The UT performed admirably during the first phase of the Meri Maati Mera Desh initiative, Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Secretary of Tourism and Culture, said while providing information. He said that Panchayats and ULBs participated in all 20000 activities that were conducted in the UT.

Along with 6000+ Amrit Vatikas and the recognition of more than 3000 courageous souls across the districts of J&K, he also said that more than 8000 Shilaphalakams were built during the first phase. He claimed that this result had elevated J&K to the top spot among the UTs and put the state in sixth position overall in the nation.

The second part of this year’s contest will take place between September 1 and October 30, it was further announced. It was said that the phase was indicated by the gathering of soil or rice in Amrit Kalash from every family in every hamlet, which would be quite a celebratory affair according to local customs. As was added at the conference, the schedule also includes the taking of the Panch Pran oath at the time of “mitti” and rice collecting.

More specifically, it was said that following that, combining dirt from Amrit Kalash obtained from villages in an Amrit Kalash located at Block level would be done in a joyous manner appropriate for the event. The honouring of martyrs and the planning of cultural events at the block level in their honour should also be considered. Volunteers from the NSS, NYKS, NCC, Hindustan/Bharat Scouts and Guides, Angawandi Workers, and other youth volunteers should actively participate, with a focus on women’s participation.

The district level celebrations will be followed by comparable activities at the UT level in the twin capitals of Jammu and Srinagar. The Lieutenant Governor will officially launch the Amrit Kalash Yatra on October 26 in order to participate in the national-level festivities. In order to represent their regions during the ceremonies of the “Meri Maati Mera Desh” initiative, the young volunteers will go to the national capital with their local Amrit Kalashs.



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