Heart attack claims the life of former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
Heart attack claims the life of former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

Beijing, October 27: According to Xinhua, former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang passed away on Friday after an unexpected heart attack.

A news organisation with headquarters in China is called Xinhua.


Li Keqiang, 68, a former premier of China and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th, 18th, and 19th Communist Party of China central committees, reportedly died away in Shanghai on Friday, according to Xinhua.

Less than a year after relinquishing his position as China’s second-highest ranking official, Li Keqiang, the former premier, passed away after a heart attack.

Li was once thought to be a future great leader, but he spent years avoiding the spotlight so as not to overshadow Jinping. Simultaneously, Xi became more powerful.

Li Keqiang, according to many, joined the Communist Party with the intention of helping his nation but was hindered by its strict red tape regulations. According to the Singapore Post, both the country’s private sector’s survival and the broader economic changes he supported are in doubt as a result of his departure.

Analysts estimate that Li Keqiang may be the last premier of his kind, as his economic-centric approach to leadership stood in stark contrast to Xi Jinping’s authoritarian inclinations and ideological tone.

Despite not having reached retirement age, Li left the influential Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party last October, according to the Singapore Post.

“Heaven observes human behaviour. The sky in his  eyes Li had to say this while saying goodbye to some eight hundred high-ranking government officials.

Experts surmise that Li Keqiang might have prevented Xi Jinping from “subverting” the spirit of the 1978 “reform and opening” strategy, but he lacked guts, according to the Singapore Post.

Considered a Xi ally, Li Qiang, Li’s successor, is most renowned for his brutal enforcement of a months-long COVID lockdown in Shanghai.



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