Inspiring a new generation of Kashmiri speakers and bringing people together, Nisar Ahmad Sofi
Nadia Farooq

His YouTube channel is a never-ending stream of conversations with poets and Sufi masters from Kashmir.

16 July, Srinagar: A people’s language is more than simply a tool for communication; it is fundamental to their sense of self and culture. Kashmiri, the regional language, has been under pressure from the region’s increasing diversity in recent years. One person, however, has arisen as a relentless champion for the recovery of Kashmiri despite this battle.

Nisar Ahmad Sofi has committed his life to ensuring that the Kashmiri language and its history are not lost to time. Sofi’s dedication has made him an inspiration to all who care about Kashmiri’s future.


Safa Kadal is a neighbourhood in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, where Sofi was born and reared. He was raised in a location renowned for its linguistic diversity, and as a result, he has a profound respect for the variety of human speech.

Sofi, who grew up surrounded by Kashmiri speakers and their oral traditions, became aware of the critical necessity to preserve the dwindling Kashmiri language. This insight spurred his lifetime quest to learn and promote Kashmiri.

Sofi set out on a mission to revitalise the Kashmiri language, armed with both insight and will. He also promotes the Kashmiri language via a YouTube channel with approximately a million members. He has a constant stream of conversations with Sufi masters and poets from Kashmir on his YouTube channel.

Sofi has provided a venue for Kashmiri poets, authors, and researchers to share their work and insights on the language via his YouTube channel. He hopes that by giving them a larger platform, he may spark a newfound enthusiasm for Kashmiri among the youth of the region.

As the Kashmiri language continues to decline, Sofi’s channel provides a virtual meeting space for those who are passionate about preserving the Kashmiri language.

Reviving a dying language should be everyone’s priority. Institutions of higher learning, civic leaders, and members of the general public who see the benefits of cultural variety must work together on this. according to Nisar Ahmad Sofi

Sofi plans to do more than just use technology to promote the survival of Kashmiri; he also plans to host a number of events and seminars. He hopes to unite institutions of higher learning, cultural groups, and community leaders in order to advance Kashmiri language and culture.

“Youth empowerment is the key to safeguarding the Kashmiri language’s future. Sofi says that by include it in classroom instruction and making relevant materials available, “we can encourage a new generation of language lovers.”

Nisar Sofi is committed to giving today’s youth the opportunities to use and value the Kashmiri language. To instill a feeling of pride and ownership in the next generation, he stresses the need of incorporating the language into school curriculum and making learning resources available.

His unwavering commitment and enthusiasm have sparked a rising movement to revive the language.

The road that Sofi has travelled has not been easy. Kashmiri is in danger of dying out due to the dominance of other languages and the impact of foreign influences. The rising popularity of English and other widely spoken languages among young people is a major obstacle to Sofi’s goal of spreading the language of peace. Sofi has dedicated much of her time and energy to helping the Kashmiri community get over this mentality and rediscover their pride in their language and culture.

Sofi has used a variety of strategies to deal with these problems. He realises that it takes more than just focusing on young people to bring back a language; it takes involving the whole society.

He recommends that parents teach their children the Kashmiri language by having them interact with one another in the language at home. Sofi thinks that the passion for Kashmiri will spread to the greater community without any effort on their part if they can instill a feeling of pride and identity in their own families.

Nisar Ahmad Sofi’s unrelenting commitment has made him an inspiration to those who want to see the Kashmiri language flourish again. His continuous advocacy for Kashmiri and community building has been important in the language’s survival. Despite ongoing difficulties, Sofi’s writing serves as a reminder of the vital role that language plays in maintaining cultural traditions and identities.

As Sofi put it, “language is an integral part of a community’s identity, and its preservation is essential for maintaining cultural diversity.”

“Language is more than simply a tool for exchanging ideas; it also serves as a window into who we are and where we come from. Keeping our original tongues alive is crucial to the growth of any society as a whole,” he said.

Sofi has become an advocate for language revitalization and preservation thanks to his work to revive the Kashmiri language. His efforts are an inspiration for the preservation of other at-risk tongues and proof that one person can make a difference in this fight.



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