The minimum temperature stays below freezing, even if it is getting better
The minimum temperature stays below freezing, even if it is getting better

Srinagar Airport’s morning flights are delayed.

Srinagar, Nov. 21: On Tuesday, the valley’s lowest temperature fell below freezing in a number of locations, including the city of Srinagar. As a result, Kashmir awoke to foggy and chilly weather early in the morning.


The Meteorological Center in Srinagar has forecast dry weather for Jammu and Kashmir for the next 24 hours, with the possibility of isolated morning fog in the Kashmir division.

In Srinagar, low visibility is caused by air haze, which is exacerbated by dry weather and gloomy skies. Traffic still faces difficulties in the early morning and late at night due to dense fog.

“Due to fog, the morning flight at Srinagar Airport was delayed. As soon as the fog clears, morning flights will depart,” an official said.

The present foggy conditions are likely to clear up in the next few days, according to Kashmir Weather, an independent weather forecaster, as a new, weak Western disturbance is scheduled to impact Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.

It said that there would be a chance of light rain or snow on Thursday in various parts of Kashmir, especially north Kashmir.

It is further said that for two more days, the lowest temperature in the Kashmir plains is predicted to be below freezing.

“Between November 25 and 30, two more weak Western disturbances are anticipated, which may result in partly cloudy to overcast weather conditions,” it said.

In the meantime, Qazigund and Gulmarg registered -0.8°C and -0.6°C, respectively, while Srinagar shuddered at -1.2°C. Pahalgam, which is tucked away in a valley, registered a bone-chilling -2.9°C, highlighting how severe the cold is. Kokernag and Kupwara kept their temperatures at -0.2°C and -0.8°C, respectively. Baramulla and Budgam recorded frigid temperatures of -0.2°C, while Pulwama and Anantnag recorded even colder temperatures of -2.7°C and -2.3°C, respectively. Kulgam saw a temperature of -0.3°C, while Shopian recorded the lowest temperature of -3.9°C in the southern areas.



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