Meets with the relatives of three Poonch citizens killed and pays hospital visits to wounded
Meets with the relatives of three Poonch citizens killed and pays hospital visits to wounded

December 27, Srinagar: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh paid tribute to the families of the three civilians who sadly died during the December 21 attack that killed four Indian Army personnel while in Poonch-Rajouri, Jammu.

During a one-day visit to assess the security conditions in the Rajouri-Poonch area, Singh had one-on-one meetings with the relatives of the dead from Topa Peer village in Bufliaz, Poonch district.


The minister said, “Whatever has happened… there will be justice,” guaranteeing a prompt inquiry that will result in justice. Singh reaffirmed his commitment to a fair investigation into the event while visiting four individuals at the Government Medical College who are receiving treatment for injuries they incurred after being questioned by security officers.

Singh honored the troops who lost their lives while serving and stressed how grateful the country is to them for their sacrifice. He emphasized the military’s responsibility to win over the public’s hearts in addition to defending the interests of the country.

At Dhatyar Morh in Poonch’s Surankote, an ambush resulted in the tragic assault on December 21, which left four troops dead and three wounded. Nine individuals were then brought in for questioning the next morning. Later that day, it was discovered that three of them had passed away: Safeer Hussain (44), Showket Ali (22), and Shabir Hussain (32).

Demands for a comprehensive inquiry have arisen from the families’ allegations that the victims were tortured within a 48-RR camp at Bafliaz.



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