Mughal Road has been blocked
Mughal Road has been blocked

Rajouri, July 21: The Mughal Road, which connects Poonch district with Shopian, was once again blocked to vehicular traffic in Rajouri on July 21 after the twin landslides that struck the vital connection at two distinct points on Friday.

Although the road was opened for traffic in the morning, when the slide’s debris was removed, a new landslide at a different place once again stopped it.


The Mughal Road in Poshana was damaged by a landslide on Friday morning, according to officials. The route was obstructed by slide debris and flying stones, which slowed down traffic.

According to officials, the route was shut down for two hours.

They said, “Later, it was restored for vehicle circulation once slide debris was cleaned.

The official said, “A new landslide struck the road near Ratta Chamb in the evening, shutting it down for vehicle travel. Work was being done to remove the debris so that traffic could resume.



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