Residents of Mandir Bagh lament their lack of a wedding venue
Residents of Mandir Bagh lament their lack of a wedding venue

29 September, Srinagar: The lack of a wedding venue in the Mandir Bagh neighbourhood is having a negative impact on the locals.

The lack of a marriage hall in Mandir Bagh “is making us feel neglected by the successive regimes,” the locals said, citing the two nearby neighbourhoods of Maisuma and Basant Bagh as examples.

The 69-year-old Mohammad Shafi stated, “These halls are used for both marriage functions and funeral receptions, but regrettably, we have to peg a tent on the road for all these purposes. As if we have no children to marry, or the people living here will never die.”


Over 200 households in the neighbourhood claim they have to enlist the help of one or two neighbours since they have expansive lawns and large houses due to the lack of a community centre.

Rafiq Ahmad, 56, who is getting ready for his daughter’s wedding later this year, said, “But we can’t bother them every time; how many favours shall we ask from them?”

There are more than a few vacant private properties in the region, so it’s not like there isn’t enough room to build a marriage hall there. The government could buy one of those lots and put the hall there. Or they could just build one from the Bund side, according to the residents.

Due to the lack of a marriage hall, individuals holding events often block the Bund, which links Barbar Shah with Gawkadal, or the major route. The villagers shouted, “Nobody can blame us; we have nowhere to go.”



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