Sarpanch Samman Samaroh was arrested by Aryans
Sarpanch Samman Samaroh was arrested by Aryans

Sarpanch Samman Samaroh was held on the Aryans Campus in Srinagar by the Aryans Group of Colleges in Rajpura Near, Chandigarh.

At the event, which was attended by more than 40 Sarpanches from different villages, they were recognised for their outstanding contributions to society. The event was presided over by Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman of the Aryans Group.


All Sarpanches are aiding kids and directing them towards higher education in Punjab, according to Dr. Kataria, who also thanked them all. On the Aryans Campus, he promised scholarships to the underprivileged and meritorious. The majority of Punjabi students are relocating to Canada and other nations for either higher education or job opportunities. He said that Punjab would be devoid of youth if this tendency keeps on.

The Sarpanches from Nepra, Alampur, Mohi Kala, Jhansla, Basantpura, Shambu,Daun, and Pahar were in attendance on this occasion.

Prof. B.S. Sidhu later said that in addition to providing students with a high-quality education, “our ultimate goal is eradicating the menace of drugs and bringing students back for higher education.”



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