The Chief Justice opens JJB in Kargil
The Chief Justice opens JJB in Kargil

28 August, Kargil: The Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) and Observation-cum-Special Home in Kargil were officially opened on Monday by Chief Justice of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, Justice N Kotiswar Singh. This is a crucial step towards improving the legal system dealing to minors in conflict with the law.

Judge Tashi Rabstan of the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh accompanied him. The opening of this facility is an important step in guaranteeing the rights and wellbeing of children in the area. The JJB will serve as the principal agency for dealing with young people who are in trouble with the law, ensuring that they get compassionate care and that their rights are upheld. While adolescents wait for court orders, the Observation cum Special Home will provide a secure haven for them, guaranteeing their security and well-being. The Chief Justice spoke at the event and stressed how crucial it is to protect children’s rights and interests since they are the country’s future.


The Chief Justice said, “It is essential to create an environment where children can reform and reintegrate into society instead of facing punitive measures.”

Justice Tashi Rabstan expanded more on the need of developing child-friendly systems that respect each child’s dignity and rights. The JJB and Observation Cum Special Home will be crucial in ensuring that children who are in legal trouble get all the support and resources they need to pave the road for a brighter future.

Iqbal Ahmed Masoudi, the principal district and sessions judge, Phuntsog Angmo, the chief judicial magistrate, and the principal magistrates of the juvenile justice board in Kargil, Shafiq Mushtaq Lone, and DEPO Kargil were also present.



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