The Doda-Dessa-Kapran route is still just a dream
The Doda-Dessa-Kapran route is still just a dream

Anantnag, Oct. 8: Despite a Preliminary Project Report (PPR) that was filed years ago, the development of the Doda-Dessa-Kapran route is still just a pipe dream for thousands of locals.

Greater Kashmir was informed by an official that the project has not advanced since the PPR was created, which was around 4 years ago.


The official said that the road’s Detailed Project Report (DPR) was still being created.

The vital road will connect the Anantnag district in south Kashmir with the Doda, Ramban, and Kishtiwar districts in Jammu division.

It would function as an arterial route and considerably shorten the distance between Srinagar and Doda.

According to an official, “it can cut the distance down by at least 90 km.”

He said that over ten years ago, the government had also declared plans to build a 7 km long tunnel in Desa, close to Gayi.

Only Manjami Village is accessible through motor vehicle on the Doda side of the road, while Hengipora-Kapran in the Dooru region is accessible via motor vehicle from the Kashmir side.

Vijay Mohan Thakur, a local BJP politician, made a request, and the office of Union Minister of State Jitendra Singh responded by writing to the head of the National Highways and Infrastructure Corporation Limited.

On the project, no significant progress has been made, however.

Back in 1966, the Doda community started a protest to demand the Doda-Dessa-Kapran route be built.

Since then, all succeeding administrations have dealt with the project as a problem but not as a top priority.

Khalil Muhammad of Doda said that “every government talked about the project, from Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah to Ghulam Nabi Azad and Mehbooba Mufti, but no one took it seriously.”

He said that the artery connection would make the trip safe and quick.

The route will become a fair-weather road after the tunnel is built along it, according to Khalil.

He said that the road will also contribute in preventing recurring mishaps.

A another local said that the road may boost local tourism.

The region is endowed with beauty that may cast spells. It would become a new tourism and vacation destination with proper connection, a local said.



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