The US Vice President Biden said,
The US Vice President Biden said, "This year's Summit demonstrated that G20 can still drive solutions"

10 September, New Delhi, India (ANI): The G20 meeting this year has shown, according to US Vice President Joe Biden, that the organisation is still capable of advancing answers to the most urgent problems, like as the climate catastrophe, instability, and war.

Speaking on X, the US President stated, “This year’s Summit shown that the G20 can still drive answers to our most urgent concerns at a time when the global economy is reeling from the overlapping shocks of the climate catastrophe, fragility, and war.


On September 9–10, India will host the G20 Summit in New Delhi.

The Delhi Declaration was approved on September 9. It urged states to preserve international law, notably the multilateral framework that protects peace and stability as well as territorial integrity and international humanitarian law.

The declaration envisions a green development pact for a sustainable future and supports, among other things, the Deccan Principles on Food Security and Nutrition, the Chennai Principles for a Sustainable Resilient Blue Economy, and high level principles on lifestyle for sustainable development.

The major takeaway from the proclamation was that all 83 of its paragraphs were approved by a vote of 100% unanimity, with China and Russia joining in. The proclamation was the first to do so without a footnote or Chair’s Summary.

Additionally, the African Union was admitted as a new permanent member of the G20 during the G20 conference on Saturday, giving emerging countries a bigger voice in international decision-making.

Along with launching the Global Biofuels Alliance, PM Narendra Modi did so on Saturday in the presence of US President Joe Biden, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio, Argentinean President Alberto Fernández, and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

One of India’s initiatives for the G20 Presidency is the Global Biofuel Alliance.

Leading biofuel producers and users Brazil, India, and the United States will collaborate over the next months to create a Global Biofuels Alliance with other interested nations.

Day 1 of the summit saw the inauguration of a massive maritime and rail connection corridor between India, the Middle East, and Europe, which was announced by India, the US, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union. (ANI)



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