The Second Annual IUST Convocation Lt. Governor's Address
The Second Annual IUST Convocation Lt. Governor's Address

Though we have no idea what the world will be like in 2050, some abilities will remain in demand: analytical and critical thinking; creativity; curiosity; individuality; originality; distinctiveness; resilience; and leadership. LG

KDC 24 JUN AWANTIPORA: Today, at the Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) in Awantipora, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha delivered the keynote speech at the institution’s second convocation. The event’s keynote speaker was Professor K. Kasturirangan, Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the National Education Policy 2020.
The Lieutenant Governor, who doubles as the University’s Chancellor, expressed his pride in the graduates and the gold medal winners and wished them the best in their future endeavours.
The institution’s nurturing of everlasting qualities like modesty, creativity, righteousness, uniqueness, and compassion is also a cause for celebration during convocation. The Lt. Governor referred to these ideals as “invisible gold medals” that provide pupils with the potential to improve the country’s future.
In his address to the students and teachers, the Lieutenant Governor urged the young people to put their energy into developing the novel concepts, ideas, and technologies that will determine the course of the future.
A new way of thinking is born in the classroom. The life force of a community The Lt. Governor summed up the benefits of education as “ecstasy, elation, elegance, empowerment, enrichment, and the ability to reach the highest peak in life.”
To avoid becoming just another memory hard disc in the world, a well-rounded education requires the bravery to obliterate the artificial boundaries between disciplines, he said.
The Lt. Governor went on to say that students entering the professional world after graduating from college should be more than just a “hard disc of memories” or “storehouse of information,” but rather a “powerhouse of infinite creativity,” and that this could only be achieved through education that draws out and promotes each student’s unique qualities.
The Lieutenant Governor urged universities, schools, and the teaching community to adopt a future-focused learning strategy that extends beyond the classroom to better equip students for the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead.
Teachers’ responsibilities have grown in this fast-paced period. They are more than simply a source of data or a means to an end (the course requirements). The Lieutenant Governor made the point that teachers are “artisans” who “need to shape the minds and consciousness of a new generation.”
It is integrated with the value system to provide ideal balance in inner and outer development for every student, and it is guided by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, the Lt. Governor added, enabling our kids to flourish in a world controlled by machines.
The purpose of education is to encourage inquisitiveness, critical thinking, the generation of additional questions in the classroom, and the development of the confidence to go down previously uncharted paths. He said, “It’s great to see the work being done through NEP 2020 to make our classrooms more like the outside world.”
The Lt. Governor predicted that the recent advances in technology would have far-reaching consequences for society.
The pace of technological development is unprecedented, and the ways in which our lives, communities, and economies are impacted are constantly evolving. The future is drastically different for our human capital, and the Lt. Governor is right that schools need to adapt to reflect this change.
In order to keep up with the times and maintain a competitive advantage, he said, classrooms and laboratories needed to be reimagined along the lines of the National Education Policy.
The transformation is having an impact on the Humanities as well. To make the goal of an inclusive society and empowered people a reality in the face of fast changes and to close the digital gap in society, he said, is the greatest challenge.
The challenge we face now is developing expertise that will be in demand in the years to come. We can’t see the future, but the Lt. Governor assured us that “core skills like analytical, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, individuality, originality, uniqueness, resilience, and leadership” will still be important in 2050.
The Vice Chancellor and faculty at IUST received praise from the Lt. Governor as well for creating an encouraging atmosphere for students to study in and equipping them to make meaningful contributions to the development of their country.
Professor K. Kasturirangan, Chairman of the NEP Drafting Committee, gave a speech in which he thanked the graduates and praised their zeal, excitement, and interest. Your ardent pursuit of knowledge should not stop here. He urged me to keep working towards my goals and ambitions.
Prof. Kasturirangan applauded the Lt. Governor-led UT Administration for implementing the National Educational Policy and other groundbreaking improvements to the education sector.
Educators and universities, according to Prof. Kasturirangan, play a crucial role in the successful implementation of NEP 2020.
Prof. Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, IUST’s Vice Chancellor, gave a report on the institution and its accomplishments.
Seventy-two students received Gold Medals and another 147 received Merit Certificates at the convocation.
Three thousand students will get diplomas in 2020–21 and 2021–22.
Attendees included Choudhary Mohd. Yousuf Gorsi, Chairman of the District Development Council in Anantnag; Hasnain Masoodi, Member of Parliament; Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor; Vice Chancellors and former Vice Chancellors from a number of universities; Professor Naseer Iqbal, Registrar of IUST; and members of the faculty and student body. (KDC)



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