The Struggle of Shahid Shabir: The Redemption of a Cricket Player
The Struggle of Shahid Shabir: The Redemption of a Cricket Player

23 June 2023, Srinagar: Stories of perseverance and success abound in cricket, the sport where legends are forged and careers are launched. Shahid’s story is one of these examples; he’s a cricket player who’s had a tough go of it and has had to overcome a lot of adversity. Shahid’s story is one of unyielding willpower, unquenchable enthusiasm, and an unquenchable refusal to give up on his dream of becoming a professional athlete.

Challenged Origins:
The young Shahid’s passion for cricket was nurtured in the finest hamlet KANIRA CHADOORA. He spent endless hours as a kid polishing his talents with a tennis ball and a stick as a bat in the dusty fields. The drive to fulfil his ambition of representing his country on the pitch kept him going, but the road ahead was rough.


When Shahid first started out, he sought advice from the famous cricketer Dr. Shahnawaz Gull.
Beginning his professional career, Shahid was met with stiff competition and had a hard time establishing himself on the regional cricket circuit. Disheartened by being routinely eclipsed and ignored in favour of more well-known competitors, he eventually gave up. Shahid was unfazed by the obstacles in his path and instead worked even harder to further his career by exploring any and all available openings.

A Tidal Shift:
Shahid’s hard work paid off when he was granted the opportunity to compete in a regional event. His great accomplishments were noticed by the selectors because of his doggedness and confidence in his talents. Shahid might finally realise his goal of playing for his country’s national squad.
Through Adversity, Success I have played cricket for the Gulmor Cricket Club, the Us K Baad Srinagar Gymkhana, and most recently, the Elegant Strikers.
But even after making the national squad, there were still challenges.
The road that Shahid had to travel was arduous. He struggled under the weight of expectation that he perform at the best possible level. He had to deal with injuries, slumps in form, and intense scrutiny throughout his career. Fears surfaced, and the path to regaining faith appeared long and winding.

The Strength of Character:
True heroes, however, are revealed when confronted with overwhelming odds. Shahid’s unyielding character never gave in to the difficulties he faced. He sought out wise counsel, actively addressed his inadequacies, and developed a growth attitude, seeing setbacks as stepping stones. Each failure just made him more resilient and determined to succeed.

He aced the under-25 camp and talent competition last year, earning him top honours. His name isn’t even on the list this year. He should have a trial this year at the very least.



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