22 December, Srinagar Apart from his present position as Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar has been assigned the additional duty of Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau, J&K.
IG Anand Jain is relieved of his additional charge of the Anti Corruption Bureau by an order from the J&K government that states, “In the interest of administration, it is hereby ordered that Shri Vijay Kumar, IPS (RR:97), Additional Director General Police (Law & Order), J&K, shall also hold the charge of the post of Director, Anti Corruption Bureau, J&K, in addition to his own duties, until further orders, relieving Shri Anand Jain, IPS (RR:99), Inspector General of Police, Jammu Zone, of additional charge of the said post.” A copy of the order is at Kashmir News Service.