Congress: Restore J&K's democratic process
Congress: Restore J&K's democratic process

J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Chairman Vikar Rasool Wani repeated his call for the reinstatement of the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir today in Srinagar.

He was addressing a party gathering, according to a news release. “Amid ongoing district-wise review meetings, today the PCC Chief presided over workers’ meetings in Bandipora and Ganderbal districts, where he received feedback on preparations for upcoming challenges, including ULB and panchayat elections that are scheduled this year,” the press release read.


Wani convened review sessions on Sunday in the districts of Budgam and Pulwama. As compensation for the Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in 2024, he also got comments. The Congress leader emphasised to the party leaders that they must do all possible to make their party stronger.

Wani explained to the party members that the people of J&K feel deceived and let down by the BJP government and are compelled to resume the democratic process, which is being postponed in order to maintain direct control over J&K from the Centre. Given its treachery, anti-people policies, falsehoods, and dishonesty, the BJP will undoubtedly lose elections not only in J&K but throughout the whole nation, whether they be the upcoming Lok Sabha elections or state assembly elections. Because of jobs, the economy, progress, and the absence of the government’s catchphrase, Sab Ka Sath Sab Ka Vikas, the public is feeling duped, he said.

In fact, the people have learned that the BJP has failed them on all fronts and is merely making empty promises out of a desire for power. Wani called the BJP leadership’s long speeches and lofty claims a tool to deceive the public and deflect their attention from their actual concerns. The JKPCC Chief said, “BJP’s diversionary tactics and religious politics shall not work now that the public is aware of what BJP’s intentions are and what this party has done since taking reigns of power.”

Wani said that the democratic process is being deliberately delayed despite the people’s great desire for its restoration. “For how long will elections remain unavailable in J&K? It must happen sooner or later, and when it does, the BJP’s deceptive and vindictive politics—which are to blame for driving the nation towards economic misery, egregious unemployment, price increases, and a host of other difficulties—will come to an end.



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