Golden Glorious Soul Book: Sharik Ahmad Mir's sincere ode to a true soul friend
Golden Glorious Soul Book: Sharik Ahmad Mir's sincere ode to a true soul friend

A Bandipora youngster wrote a book called “Golden Glorious Soul” to honour his late buddy Aijaz Rashid Malik, a B.Pharmacy student from Handwara who tragically went away on April 7th owing to a severe heart attack during the holy month of Ramazan.

Sharik Ahmad Mir, a young man from Bandipora, describes his late friend as a kind and sincere person. He claimed that Aijaz Rashid Malik, who was well-known for his kindness and compassion, had left a legacy of warmth and camaraderie.


Sharik Ahmad Mir, Aijaz’s friend, decided to preserve their beloved relationship after his untimely passing. His friend made a touching gesture by dedicating the book “Golden Glorious Soul,” which was published, to him.He added with deep regard that he thought the traits and kindness he possessed were a big part of why he felt such a strong link with him. “I have never met anyone as sweet and sincere as him. He had the guts to stand up for me in the face of all the opposition, the kindness to extend assistance, and the patience to hear what I had to say.Sharik claimed that there are various factors at play in this intense bonding. “One is his loyalty to me and his love for me. Having a soul companion like Aijaz has made a significant difference in my life. He never left my side, especially not emotionally. He was always there to cheer me up if I was down. And he was always willing to listen if I needed to chat. He was a friend I could confide in and a shoulder to cry on. Together, we had so many highs and lows, but sadly, his untimely passing has left me imprisoned in suffering.Sharik Ahmad Mir shared his sorrow and his hope that Aijaz Rashid Malik was now at peace and in a better place. I have no doubt that he is content wherever he is at the moment. He will be in Jannah, and his soul is at rest. I still write even if there are no postmen around to deliver letters; I know where he is right now. In paradise, I hope he is comfortable and joyful. I hope he is comfortable and happy despite the fact that I miss him tremendously.

The culmination of Sharik’s devotion to Aijaz’s memory was the release of the book “Golden Glorious Soul.”

The book honours their strong friendship and acts as an enduring legacy. The book, which is filled to the brim with tender thoughts and memories shared between the two, strives to preserve Aijaz’s memory and encourage others by highlighting his admirable traits.

“It’s unbelievable that I’m writing this. Aijaz Rashid Malik, my soulmate friend, has been taken away. I still can’t believe this actually happened. My close soul companion has been taken away, and I just can’t accept that,” he stated.He said that no one could ever compare to him and that he was his sole close soul pal. He will always be a part of my life. I simply find it incomprehensible that he is gone and that I was unable to say goodbye. He was capable of so much more. He was stunning, intelligent, and a fantastic friend. I’ll always have him by my side. He said, “I miss him so terribly.



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