Li Keqiang, the former Premier of China, has passed away due to a heart attack
Li Keqiang, the former Premier of China, has passed away due to a heart attack : File Pic

Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang died of a heart attack on Friday, October 27th, according to Xinhua news agency reports out of Beijing.

The Xinhua News Agency is headquartered in China.


Li Keqiang, a former Premier and member of the 17th, 18th, and 19th Communist Party of China central committees, died away on Friday in Shanghai at the age of 68, as reported by Xinhua.

Less than a year after resigning as China’s second-highest leader, former Premier Li Keqiang has died of a heart attack.

Li, who was formerly thought to have leadership potential, was kept out of the spotlight for a long time so as not to steal Jinping’s thunder. Simultaneously, Xi amassed a growing number of authorities.

Many people believe that Li Keqiang joined the Communist Party in an effort to help his nation, but that he was ultimately frustrated with the bureaucracy. The Singapore Post said that since his departure, the private sector and the broader economic changes he was pushing have been cast into doubt.

In contrast to Xi Jinping’s ideological tone and authoritarian inclinations, Li Keqiang, according to experts, may be the last premier of his sort.

According to the Singapore Post, Li left the Communist Party’s Politburo Standing Committee in October 2017 even though he hadn’t yet reached retirement age.

God is keeping an eye on what people are doing. His gaze was fixed on the stars. This is what Li told around 800 top government officials as he was leaving office.

According to the Singapore Post, experts say Li Keqiang had the opportunity to prevent Xi Jinping from “subverting” the spirit of the “reform and opening” strategy introduced in 1978, but he did not take it.

Li’s successor, Li Qiang, is infamous for imposing a brutal COVID lockdown on Shanghai for a period of months and is widely regarded as a Xi loyalist.



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