Omar Abdullah questions the Army's participation in the Kashmir Uniform Civil Code seminar
Omar Abdullah questions the Army's participation in the Kashmir Uniform Civil Code seminar

Omar Abdullah, the vice president of the National Conference and a former chief minister of Pulwama, said on Wednesday that people should be given the option to refer to their nation as either India or Bharat.

The constitution makes reference to both India and Bharat. One might use any name,” Omar told reporters in the Pulwama area of south Kashmir. Omar went to Quil, Pulwama, to console senior party figure Mohammad Khali Bandh at the passing of his grandchild. According to him, the prime minister shouldn’t defy the law.


“If you see the plane by which the Prime Minister is flying to Indonesia, both Bharat and India are inscribed on it,” Omar added.

The name controversy began when the President’s invitation to the G20 leaders referred to the “President of Bharat” rather than the “President of India.”

India’s name couldn’t be forgotten, according to Omar.IITs, ISRO, and other institutions all use the term India. He said that you couldn’t affect it from everywhere.

Omar said that the opposition parties were prepared to modify it if the government was acting in this way just because they dubbed their coalition “INDIA.” “We cannot put the whole country at danger. Omar said, “We are here to decrease costs, not to add to the load on the government.

Regarding the committee for One Nation, One Election, Omar said that if the move was made to simplify the process, then no one would be objecting to it. But they would passionately reject it if the committee’s goal was to weaken the federal framework and abolish regional parties, he added. He said that if you started with One Election, One Nation and ended with One Nation, No Election, nobody would support you.

Omar said that discussions about the topics take place when they are presented before the parliament. He also applauded the Supreme Court’s decision to assign NC the plough emblem for the Ladakh elections.



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