Residents of Mirabad bear the cost of the dilapidated road
Residents of Mirabad bear the cost of the dilapidated road

28 September, Srinagar: Residents of Batamaloo locality’s Mirabad lane 3 have voiced severe displeasure against the government for failing to make repairs to the area’s crumbling road.

A group of irate villagers complained that the crumbling road was harming them and making their lives unpleasant.


According to the locals, a drainage system was built over the road more than five years ago. “It is ironic that the road hasn’t been repaired or macadamized even after the drainage system was built,” remarked Riyaz Ahmad Dar, a local.

Dar said that when it rains, the road becomes muddy, making it difficult for villagers to travel. He said that the residents’ health is being negatively impacted by the dust that comes from the crumbling road.

“It is unfair to us that our road has not been fixed or macadamized when those of other colonies have. We have been informing the appropriate authorities about the situation, but their refusal to rebuild the road reflects poorly on us. Dar questioned, “Are we not a part of Srinagar?

Dar said that since the government has not fixed the road, the locals have decided to seek legal action. “Our neighbourhood has received zero development attention. We sincerely request that Divisional Commissioner Kashmir and Deputy Commissioner Srinagar investigate the situation.



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