The AIFF has put out a
The AIFF has put out a "Request for Proposal" for an official football league in institutions

On September 6th, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) released a request for proposals (RFP) in New Delhi, seeking interested institutional teams to compete in the Institutional Football League beginning in January 2024.

After much deliberation, the All India Football Federation’s Executive Committee made the decision on April 14 to treat the amateur structure of the sport with the same respect as the professional. The committee thought that this would improve the prospects for competition and provide a safer environment for the participants at this level.


You may request the RFP by email from [email protected] between September 8 and September 22. There will be a 25,000 INR tender fee for access to the RFP. It claimed in a press statement, “Further payment details will be provided upon request.”

The league’s stated goal is “to integrate institutional football with the Indian football structure, and to add value to the national competitive structure.” Aspiring players would be able to find work, and university teams will have a chance to take on the best in India.



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